We offer a variety of giving options, making it simple, and each donation will receive a tax receipt.
To Donate by Credit Card:
- One-time donations or recurring donations can all be made online
- If you would like your donation to be anonymous, select “I wish my donation to remain anonymous” on the checkout page
Find the Fund you want to support here and follow the prompts to make your donation.
*Please note that gifts made by credit card are subject to service charges. We reserve the right to use a portion of your gift to offset these costs, resulting in a lower addition to your fund. Thank you for your generosity!
Stocks & Securities:
Donation of Stocks & Securities, which can be made immediately or written into your Will, offer many tax benefits including:
- Elimination of all capital gains taxes
- Immediate tax relief with a charitable tax receipt
- Immediate and significant benefit to the Oakville Community Foundation or your Family Fund
To donate publicly traded securities:
Step 1:
Please complete this form and ensure a copy is forwarded to both the identified Foundation Broker, RBC Dominion Securities at brent.fletcher@rbc.com and to The Foundation at giving@theocf.org to ensure the transaction is received by the Foundation. It is very important to provide a completed form to The Foundation because it provides direction as to which Fund the donation should be applied to, and supports the issuance of a donation tax receipt*.
*the tax receipt will be issued to the Donor based on the closing market price of the security, on the day the securities are received by RBC Dominion Securities.
Step 2:
If your publicly traded securities are held at a Full Service Broker please contact your broker directly to initiate the transaction and complete the required paperwork.
If your publicly traded securities are held at Direct Investing Brokerage you will be required to reach out to them directly to initiate the transaction. Each Brokerage has a different process required for the donation of shares to a registered charity. Below are instructions for a selection of Brokerages where the information was readily available. This is not a complete list of Direct Investing Brokerages. For accurate and up to date instructions we recommend that you contact your Direct Investing Brokerage directly.
Key information your Broker or Direct Investing Brokerage will need to complete the transfer:
Receiving Institution: RBC Dominion Securities
Brent Fletcher, brent.fletcher@rbc.com
Phone: 905.815.8347
Fax: 905.849.4033
Account #441-56312-1-9
DTC: 5002
Please contact giving@theocf.org email if you have any further questions or concerns.
BMO Investorline
- Log into BMO Investorline account
- Create a document addressed to BMO Investorline, including the following information:
- Amount and name of the shares to be donated
- Name of Charity: Oakville Community Foundation
- Receiving bank institution (noted above)
- The donor’s BMO account number
- Upload the document under Accounts/Documents/Upload Documents
- Call 1-888-776-6886 to speak to an Investorline representative to confirm the funds have been transferred
CIBC Investor’s Edge
- Call the following number for CIBC Investor Edge @ 1-800-567-3343.
- Vist the Computershare Canadian website
- Click “Find a Form” under “How can we help you today?”
- Choose Account forms, and scroll down to 5th option, “Securities Transfer Form”
- Fill out this form, and create a letter of instruction noting:
- Amount and name of the shares to be donated
- Name of Charity: Oakville Community Foundation
- Receiving bank institution (as noted above)
- Call Shareholder Services @ 1-800-564-6253 to connect to a Computershare agent
- The agent will ask for the Securities Transfer form, letter of instruction, and original share certificate
- Once the agent receives the documents, they will provide confirmation once the shares have been transferred
HSBC InvestDirect
- Fill out the following Transfer Authorization form
- Email it to the following address: investdirect@hsbc.ca
- A HSBC representative will call to verbally confirm the donation before processing
- Create a letter of direction, outlining the name of the security, amount and recipient of the donation, and upload it to your Questrade account portal
- The client service team will then contact you, providing a form to fill out and email back to them (providing amount & name of shares, charity name, receiving bank institution as noted above)
- Please note, this form is only available to Questrade clients
RBC Direct Investing
- Call RBC Direct Investing @ 1-800-769-2560
- Notify a client representative your desire to transfer shares in kind to a registered charity (note: transfers can only be done from non-registered accounts)
- RBC Direct Investing will send a secure email to the Donor with a form – E-22143 Donation of Securities to Charitable Organization (not available online)
- Email directly to giving@theocf.org a copy of the completed E-22143 form along with a signed letter of intent via secure email
TD Direct Investing
- Visit the TD Forms and Applications page
- Select ‘Other applications and forms’ tab (farthest on right)
- Select FORM ‘ Charitable Donation of Securities in Kind’ and then click download
- The following TD Form 524386 will open
- Complete the TD Form 524386, and please note content needed for the TD Form can be found on The Foundation’s Gift of Publicly traded form
- Indicate the number of units/shares of the security that are being donated in the quantity field NOT an exact dollar figure
Donations by Cheque:
Ensure the cheque is made payable to the Oakville Community Foundation, and in the Memo you have indicated which Fund you wish this donation to be directed.
Cheques can be mailed to: 410 North Service Road, Suite 200 | Oakville L6H 5R2