Climate Report

The Oakville Community Foundation, alongside Halton Environmental Network and Sheridan College, collaborated to produce a report on the issue of climate change in our community. The report is split into sections that look at the health impacts of climate change on our community, at ourselves and at possible future projections in a world where no […]

Oakville Data Hub

Welcome to the Oakville Data Hub! Here you can find a collection of data points that help to tell the story of our Town.  Over the years, The Foundation has published a number of reports and blogs that look at data relevant to Oakville and its surrounding areas. To make this as easily accessible as […]

Can you afford to live here?

Everyone is talking about the dramatic spike in the cost of housing and wondering how the next generation will ever be able to have a place of their own. So, is housing affordable in Oakville? In line with our Vital Signs Reports, this mini-report examines the issue of housing in Oakville and considers what we […]

Are We Hungry?

Reports are rampant about the increased for food in Canada, but the question is: what about Halton and Oakville? In line with our Vital Signs Reports, this mini-report examines the issue of hunger in Oakville and what we can do to address this locally.