30th Anniversary New Fundholder Offer

Join Oakville’s largest community of philanthropists.

List of OCF Funds with distinct logos

Creating a Charitable Fund with the Oakville Community Foundation is a great way to connect with Oakville’s largest community of philanthropists and help build a better Oakville.

Commit to growing your newly established (“Your Name Here”) Family Foundation to $1,500 and OCF will add an additional $1,000.**

As Fundholders, your family can take advantage of The Foundation’s expertise to enable you to reach your charitable goals.

You will also be invited to exclusive Fundholder events, connect with a network of local philanthropists, and be introduced to some of the most incredible local charities.

If you want to know more or sign on, contact giving@theocf.org

OCF Board of Directors.

* While funding lasts. ** Valid on new Endowment Funds only.