For Estate Planning

The impact of a legacy gift to the Oakville Community Foundation is long-lasting, and that has never been more apparent than right now. 

Over 20 years ago, some very special people created funds at The Foundation, making these early Fundholder’s visionaries within our community. Their Funds are continuing to positively impact our community in ways they never thought possible. Even during these unprecedented times, these visionaries continue to live on in our community, and their gift continues to give when we all need it the most. 

By leaving your legacy with The Foundation you ensure that you can be involved in what happens as it continues to develop, even after you’re gone. Even the smallest gift has the potential to make a real and lasting difference. 

Here is some sample language you can use when leaving a gift in your Will.

Building Community for Twenty Years and Counting

The DeMaio’s not only helped to establish The Foundation but also created a legacy that continues to have a tremendous impact on our community today.

When establishing their first Endowed Fund in 1996, the DeMaio’s wanted to ensure they could give back to the community in the most direct and meaningful way possible. “We chose The Foundation for two qualities we hold dear: integrity and competence. The Foundation and its management have both.”

Today, the gift from the De Maio family is still going strong with their generosity providing grants to over 500 charities to date. Even though Alexander and Bernice are no longer with us, their legacy continues to touch the Town of Oakville in more ways than they ever thought possible.

When you create a fund with The Foundation it continues to generate income in perpetuity. So even after twenty-plus years, the DeMaio’s generous gift is still generating income and will continue to make a difference in our community for years to come.

See the Power of a 20-Year Fund

Using your will as a powerful means for supporting the causes you care about

Research conducted by the Canadian Association of Gift Planners Foundation shows that only 5 percent of Canadians leave a charitable gift in their Will. Not only does this mean the causes they care about don’t receive any more funding, but they fail to take advantage of the tax benefits available to their estate.

Creating  a Bequest Fund

You can create a Charitable Fund today and use your estate to fund when the time comes. It’s a way of ensuring the causes you care about are supported beyond your lifetime. And, by working with a Community Foundation, you can change the charities you want the Fund to support at any time without updating your Will.

See how a Bequest Fund can help with Estate taxes using our Bequest Tax Calculator

Bequest Tax Calculator

New Will Power™ Launches

Oakville Community Foundation is a lead partner in the CAGP’s new Will Power™ campaign. Together with over 80 charities, financial advisors, and legal services across Hamilton, Oakville, and Niagara, we are working together to demonstrate the philanthropic power you can have through Estate Planning

Don’t miss our new blog series on Planned Giving

Estate Planning Series