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Five Ways We Can Help Our Community

Oakville Community Foundation
March 19, 2020

During this time of uncertainty, we want to share a list of five different ways we can help those in our community. Do you know of other ways to help the community? Let us know on our Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

1. Continue to Donate to Local Charities

Donating to local charities remains as important as ever. COVID-19 does not lessen the needs in our community, and, in some cases, could increase some of these needs. We’ve created a list of local charities that are in need of monetary donations, food and necessity donations and your time.

Food banks and food-related charities are specifically looking for monetary donations to continue to buy and deliver food and grocery gift cards. While many charities providing mental health support have physically closed their doors, they are still offering professional support by phone for those in need.

For a complete list, click here.

2. Plan Check-In Times with Family, Friends, Most Vulnerable

During this time of physical isolation – or social distancing – there is a need more than ever to stay connected and be socially inclusive. Try designating every few days a specific time to check in with your family, friends or people in your neighbourhood who you know are vulnerable.

Spend some time talking about their well-being and their concerns and make sure to see if they’re in need of any necessities. You might also think about sharing some positive news that you saw or playing a game like 20 Questions.

3. Physically Isolate Yourself if You’re Feeling Sick

If you’re feeling sick, help flatten the curve of COVID-19 and stay home and isolate yourself for the Public Health-recommended 14 days. There are many vulnerable and high-risk people in our community who will benefit from your decision to self-isolate.

We know this can be scary and daunting, but many people are right there with you. You’ll also have the knowledge that you are doing something extremely beneficial for your community. Lots of organizations are also running virtual classes and tours, for example, take a virtual tour through the Oakville Museum, participate in at-home art activities for kids with the Oakville Galleries and take a look at everything that’s offered online by the Oakville Public Library.

4. Support Local Businesses

Do you regularly go to a local business for your groceries, meals or pastimes? You can still support them even if they are closed or working on reduced hours. Think about buying a gift card for future use at your favourite independent store or ordering something online. If your favourite restaurant’s kitchen is still open, think about ordering takeout. 

5. Think of Everyone – Buy Only What You Need

We know that many people are facing at least 14 days of physical isolation and are stocking up on food and necessities. However, keep in mind that not everyone is in a position to buy in bulk. According to both the Government and national grocery chains, Canada is not facing a supply-chain issue. 

Try and buy only what you need and leave the rest for others. Think about your neighbours and other community members before making purchases. 

Many grocery stores have also now made changes to store hours, added older persons and vulnerable persons specific hours and waived fees for ordering groceries online. Stores include: Farm Boy, Longos, Real Canadian Superstore, Fortinos, Whole Foods Market and Shoppers Drug Mart.