With the growing crisis in the Ukraine, donations made to the Oakville Resettlement Fund will help future Ukrainian refugees in the Oakville and Halton area.
Additionally, the following organizations are providing support to specific areas of need for the Ukrainian Crisis. If you are a Foundation Fundholder and wish to direct a grant from your Fund at The Foundation, please contact our team – Frances@theocf.org or Michelle@theocf.org. Donations can be made directly outside of an existing Fund with The Foundation, simply click on the link to the organization and follow their prompts.
If you are not a Fundholder, donations can be made directly by simply clicking on the link to the organization and follow their prompts.
- Canadian Red Cross: the local wing of an international emergency-relief organization. *Please review the following articles (Toronto Star – Globe and Mail) for further context and information about supporting the Red Cross.
- Médecins sans frontières (Doctors Without Borders): a humanitarian group that’s been supporting Ukraine’s COVID-19 response.
- Canada-Ukraine Foundation: a Toronto-based group that co-ordinates Canadian charitable aid to Ukraine.
- Save the Children: an international NGO delivering emergency aid to Ukrainian families.
Locally, two organizations that are playing a part in supporting the Ukrainian crisis are St. Volodymyr and St. Joseph Ukrainian Catholic Church
Below are details on how to contact them to provide support.