We have produced the following videos, designed around your interests and needs. The video topics are:
- An update from our Investment Manager, Fiera Capital Markets – Guest speaker Grace Xiang, Vice-President, Institutional Markets
- New personalized offerings for Fundholders shared by our Director of Philanthropy and Communications, Sarah McPherson
- A message from Board Member and Investment Committee Chair, Mike Miller who talks about his scholarship and explains the mechanics so you can learn how to host a Scholarship, Bursary or award through the Community Education Awards Hub
- An update from Board Members and CLBC Committee Chair Daniela Hampton-Davies and Vice-Chair Bonnie Jackson who discuss causes you care about and insights into GIVEOakville 2021
- A message from our Director of Fundholder and Community Engagement, Frances Pace where she explains how to navigate your donor portal and access the GIVEOakville Guide