Community Classroom provides local arts, culture, heritage, or environmental experiences for all 20,000+ JK & SK and Grades 1-8 students in publicly funded elementary schools- every student, every grade, every year.
Inspired by The United Nations and the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development, we’ve developed our own specific goal for youth in Oakville: “No Child left behind”. Community Classroom is just one program tackling this issue. What has inspired our focus are the challenges we know to exist in Oakville, such as:
- Did you know that 1 in 8 children under the age of 18 lives in poverty in Oakville?
- Or that 14.2 percent of Oakville families live in subsidized family units?
- Residents living in poverty is defined by the after-tax Low Income Measure (LIM-AT). LIM-AT is half of the median adjusted household income where house-hold needs are taken into account.
- In 2015, a person with an after-tax income of less than $22,133 or a family of four with income less than $44,266 is considered living in poverty.
These are just a few of the reasons The Foundation developed this curriculum-based, grade-specific program, Community Classroom.