After a brave struggle with cancer, Bruce’s life ended peacefully, surrounded by his family at home. Predeceased by his parents, Jaring and Bessie Timmerman, and his beloved daughter Marcia Lynn, Bruce is survived by his loving wife Sharon, daughter Kari Bullock (Ron), grandchildren Chad (Chelsea), Blair and Ashley, great-grand-children Cory and Paisley; son Derek Timmerman (Meghan), grand-son Finley; daughter Erica Timmerman; brother Don Timmerman; sister Donna Klassen, and their families.
Bruce was a dignified gentleman, always supportive of his family, encouraging his children and grand-children with his lifelong example of honesty, integrity and determination. He had a keen mind, and enjoyed sharing his insights, wisdom and opinions with others, including journalists. Committed to leaving the world a better place, he generously supported various organizations and charities.
The family wishes to thank the doctors, care-givers, and palliative care team that rushed to Bruce’s care in his final days. We will treasure Bruce’s memory forever, along with the gift of love he gave to each of us.