How to talk philanthropy with your clients.
Ways To Give
Impact Investing
Impact Investments are made for more than financial return with a focus on supporting a solution to a social, cultural or environmental issue. Grantmaking is not the only way community foundations can better our communities. There’s another way to make a difference—Impact Investments. These are a flexible financing tool that The Foundation is now providing […]
The Power of a Charitable Fund
Why would I create a Fund instead of giving money directly to the charity? To allow that original donation to grow and give back even more than your original gift to the causes you care about. Learn more about the Fund that’s right for you
For Memorial Funds
Celebrating the life of a loved one.
For Families
Whether you’re looking to start a Fund, or build a Fund, we’ve got you covered. YOUR PASSION – YOUR CHOICE – YOUR FUND We will work with you to find the option that meets both your financial and charitable objectives. The following are our Fund types for you to choose from. Together we can […]
Starting A Fund
When you create a Fund at the Oakville Community Foundation you are becoming part of our community. As a Fundholder, you will have access to our deep community knowledge and will be among the first to know about collaborative giving opportunities. You’ll also become a voting member of The Foundation, be invited to exclusive learning […]