The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul – Halton Particular Council
Food SecurityFundraising goal: $5,000
Our work at the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is grounded in love of neighbour and justice. The five groups (known as conferences) in Oakville serve over 1,400 neighbours in need (~ 900 adults and 500 children). We make no distinction of creed, ethnic or social background, health, gender or political opinions. No work of charity is foreign to SSVP: from grocery cards to Christmas giving, educational support for our youth, furniture, medical aid, connecting neighbours to community and government resources and advocating for their rights. We visit with our neighbours in their homes and we establish personal relationships by offering material assistance, as well as friendship and understanding. We serve in hope.
We are requesting funding to support our food assistance programs. In 2023, we served over 1,400 people and all received food support of one type and/or another: grocery cards, vouchers, fresh produce, canned goods, toiletries etc.