24 Days, 60+ Charities, One great opportunity to support our community.


The Campaign is now live!

Take me to GIVEOakville.com

GIVEOakville is The Foundation’s online community granting program where local charitable organizations can request up to $25,000.

Quick Facts about GIVEOakville:

  • All applicants that meet the GIVEOakville criteria will be included in the GIVEOakville guide to be made public in late Fall.
  • The Foundation covers all transaction fees meaning 100% of donations go directly to your charity.
  • The Foundation provides a funding top-up to organizations that received support during the GIVEOakville campaign. This funding will be on a prorated basis and only provided to organizations that do not receive full funding during the campaign.
  • A percentage of the Foundation’s top up will be allocated to support organizations with a mandate to serve gender-equity communities and racialized communities led by those they serve.

Results from GIVEOakville 2023

Our 2023 campaign raised $740,000 for 71 LOCAL charities and initiatives thanks to Fundholder and community support.

Results from GIVEOakville 2022

The Oakville Community Foundation is pleased to announce that GIVEOakville 2022 raised $686,000 for local impact, thanks to Fundholder and community support.

This past year, GIVEOakville saw a record 68 charitable projects looking for support. Of those projects, 12 received full funding. In addition, 10 projects were allocated top-up funding specifically earmarked to further support BIPOC-led and gender equity organizations.

The campaign supported charities working within seven different causes, including: Arts, Culture & Heritage, Education, Environment & Animal Wellness, Food Security, Health & Wellness, Housing & Shelter and Social Services.

Results from GIVEOakville 2021

We are pleased to announce that thanks to Fundholder and Community Support, GIVEOakville raised more than $575,000 for local charities.

GIVEOakville supported grant requests from 55 local charities in Oakville’s only online crowd-funding campaign. Just over $425,000 was raised from The Foundation’s Fundholders and public donations. Combined with the $150,000 from The Foundation’s top-up funds, a grand total of $575,062 was granted out to the charities. The campaign supported charities working within six different causes including: Arts, Culture & Heritage; Children, Youth & Families; Community; Education & Employment; Environment & Animal Rights and Health & Wellness.

A few highlights of the campaign include:

  • Every charity received donations from the campaign
  • 11 charities received between 50% and 74% of their goal while 4 charities received between 75% and 99% of their goal
  • 6 charities were fully funded
  • 15% of the total top-up funding was earmarked for gender equity and BIPOC-led charities